Village of Sunfield, Michigan
Village News and Information
Please note the council will be holding a meeting to discuss the Proposed Fire budget / Mil request - see the attached meeting notice for more details:
December 9, 2024 - December Meeting
The December council meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, December 16th at 7 PM due to sickness. This meeting will be held at the Sunfield Community Rooms.
November 18, 2024 - Special Meeting of Village Council
There will be a special meeting held Monday, November 18, 2024 at 6:00PM held at the Village Hall Office. Agenda: Upgrade Accounting Software, Open to public.
November 11, 2024 - Village of Sunfield Trustee Seat
The Village Council has an open Trustee seat. If you would like to be a part of your local community legislation, please contact village president Roy Morris at 616-717-8792.
​​​​​September 17, 2024 - ONE WAY TRAVEL ROSE, LONG, & SHORT STREETS
The streets of Rose, Long, and Short have been constructed to One Way travel, assisting in the safety of child care traffic during the drop off and pick up times. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
October 31, 2024 - TRICK OR TREAT
Halloween for the trick or treaters in the Village of Sunfield will be Thursday, October 31 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Please make sure you have a porch light on letting the trick or treaters know that you are participating. ​
September 23, 2024 - LEAF AND BRUSH REMOVAL
Brush and Yard waste pickup will be conducted bi-weekly in the fall and end December 1, 2024. Leaf vacuuming will begin at the end of October and run until December 1, 2024. Leaves can be put into paper lawn bags until vacuuming begins.
This Special Meeting will be held in the Community Building at 7:00 PM. Open to the Public.
November 5, 2024 - ELECTION 2024
Residents in the Village of Sunfield will need to cast a vote for the following open seats on the council in November. Select a President and 3 Trustee members. If you would like to be a member of the Village Council, please complete the necessary Eaton County Write-In Ballot information before October 25, 2024.
September 14, 2024 - PROPERTY TAXES
The Village of Sunfield Treasurer, Christina Grosshans will be in the Village Office from 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon, collecting in-person tax payments.
September 10, 2024 - PROPERTY TAXES
The Village of Sunfield Treasurer, Christina Grosshans will be in the Village Office from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm collecting in-person tax payments.
​August 27, 2024 - WATER TOWER
Well # 3 has been repaired and put back into service on Monday, August 26, 2024 after two water samples were taken on August 20 and August 22, 2024. Both samples came back absent for contaminates. The water system is back to its normal operating condition, discoloration of water can still occur from the iron found in the aquifer. Iron is a naturally occurring mineral that gives water a metallic taste and orange discoloration. If you experience discoloration of the water please RUN THE COLD WATER TAP in your bath tub until it clears up and this should minimize the discolored water going to other parts of your house.
August 2, 2024 - WATER TOWER
The Water Tower was returned to service on July 15, 2024, since then we are experiencing issues at the well house that is keeping the system stirred up causing discolored water, some light in color, other is really red. The discoloration is from the heavy amounts of iron that came from the aquifer. The water is tested regularly and is safe to drink, just not aesthetically pleasing to look at. The issues with the well have been isolated and will be repaired in the next 2 weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience this issue has caused. If you do have discoloration in your lines, please run the COLD water tap in your bathtub until the issue clears up and this should minimize the dirty water going to other parts of your house.