Village of Sunfield, Michigan
Mailing address: P.O. Box 66, Sunfield, MI 48890
Physical address: 131 Second Street, Sunfield, MI 48890
Office Hours:
By Appointment Only.
Phone: 517-566-8407
You can also contact us by using this form:
Meet The 2022-2024 Council Members
Vicki Beers (314) 568-9347
Emery Fox (616) 581-2402
Brett McCoy (517) 490-2690
Roy Morris (616) 717-8792
Wendal Peabody (517) 449-6018
Rachel Steele (517) 231-4461
Village Department Contacts
Interim President - Brett McCoy
(517) 490 - 2690
Department of Public Works
Derek Desgranges 269(838) 7686
Water & Sewer Billing
Kelli Waldo (517) 881-7544
Sunfield Village Treasurer
Christina Grosshans (616) 893-7942
Tricia Snedegar (517) 726-1326
Ballfield Rental & Schedule
Renee Stimbeck (269) 967-5787
Community Hall Rental
Vicky Beers (314) 568-9347