Village of Sunfield, Michigan
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Sunfield Welcomes You
The Village of Sunfield is a vibrant, but small community located in the Northwest area of Michigan’s Eaton County along state route highway 43. Nestled in rural farm country is a neighborhood filled with a ray of sunshine and recognized for its peaceful and tranquil family town.
Visit the Sunfield Historical Museum on Main Street for a walk down memory lane and learn the history of this vibrant community.
The village is home to the annual Farmer’s Picnic held in August that offers many community and family activities, ball tournaments, and delicious food.
This site is provided by the Village of Sunfield Trustee’s as the local source of information, news, announcements, and public service notifications. Attend our monthly council meetings, contact those in charge, or see what is happening throughout the community. Don’t forget to support our local small businesses located in Sunfield.